Evolutiva participated in this training, presenting a final project called Pegaso Turbo.
Bioeconomy is a new paradigm of economic, biological and agricultural sciences. It can be understood as any economic activity based on biology, biotechnology and agronomy, aimed at the sustainable production and transformation of renewable biomass into food, energy, medicinal products, materials and chemical products for industry, agriculture and livestock.
Mientras la sociedad global se encuentra en la transición hacia un nuevo paradigma económico caracterizado por la inclusión social, la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos naturales y las bajas emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2) , el desarrollo de empresas en la bioeconomía (bionegocios) es una prioridad estratégica para la mayoría de las naciones del mundo porque permiten, por un lado, reducir la dependencia en petróleo, y por el otro, atenuar el impacto ambiental de la actividad humana.
Both innovation and updating are fundamental links in the comprehensive development of the Bioeconomy in the country and involve the processes of generation and application of scientific-technological knowledge to the productive and social sector. Technological advances in biomass production and processing translate into the development of new economic niches, productive diversification and the development of high value-added products. This increases the competitiveness of national companies and opens broad perspectives for social development and the strengthening of regional economies. Biotechnology is playing a fundamental role in this process of productive and economic growth, rational use of resources and conscious production.
Argentina has only 0.6% of the global population and has more than 2% of the planet’s biocapacity (triple per average global inhabitant) and numerous and diverse sources of biomass for sustainable development of biobusinesses, including high capacity of the professionals who carry out, together with the producers, the production processes.