The 2009 Pymes Award, organized by the Clarín Pymes Magazine, the PyME Observatory Foundation and the University of Bologna Representación in Buenos Aires, distinguished the Entrerriana FLECHA company with the FIRST PRIZE in the category Management and Technological Innovation Plans in December 2009 SISTEMAS MEDICOS SA
Our accountant, Carolina Larrazábal, specialist in Health Business Management and Administration and director of the consulting firm AVANT Gestión de Calidad, was the one who proposed and carried out the presentation of our company FLECHA SISTEMAS MEDICOS S.A. In the 2009 Pymes Award, the president of the company, Ing. Milner Antonio Flecha, stated about his participation in the call.
Pymes have little access to real lines of technical and financial assistance for their projects, especially when the areas of work are Research, Development and Innovation in Biotechnology and Biomedicine. For these, important investors and non-refundable assistance are needed for the R&D stages and later for the implementation, highlighted the accountant Larrazábal.
We are convinced that by achieving an association with fundamentally private institutions we will achieve success in our projects. Unfortunately, we have not obtained responses from our provincial / national government to the requests for subsidies and non-refundable contributions that we have been seeking for two years. This opportunity offered by having achieved the 2009 pymes Award, will open the doors that we need to cross towards success, said the accountant Larrazábal.-
The presentation was prepared together with the engineers from the development area, working as a team to define the technical and economic aspects of the project. This consists of the production of an upper limb myoelectric prosthesis for patients with amputations below the elbow joint. Innovation at the national level in the mechanism of closing and opening of the hand and the flexibility of the design for tailor-made realizations is rewarded, highlighted the Bioengineer Flecha.
It was a job that meant a great effort, fortunately it had an excellent result ”, stated Eng. Flecha.
In the contest, more than 200 Argentine Pyme companies were presented and were awarded in 4 categories: Management and Technological Innovation plans, Management and Development plans of the
Human Resources, Management and Commercial and Financial Development plans, Management and Foreign Trade plans.
The first prize in each category consists of a full scholarship for the completion of the Course in Management and Innovation of Pymes of the High Training School for Pymes, at the University of Bologna in Italy (includes airfare, tuition, accommodation, half board, visit to companies and institutions and tourist tour in the Emilia-Romagna Region).
The award jury was made up of prominent businessmen and academics:
* Daniel Afione, General Manager of Corporate Affairs of Toyota Argentina S.A.
* Vicente Donato, Director of the PyME Observatory Foundation and Deputy Director of the University of Bologna in Buenos Aires.
* Pier Luigi Gardini, Director of Marketing and Fixed Telephony Unit of Telecom.
* Alfredo Indaco, Project Director of Exiros.
* Pablo Maas, Editor of the Clarín Pymes Magazine.
* Federico Sturzenegger, President of the Bank of the City of Buenos Aires.
* Norberto Taranto, President of Taranto SA
More information at: http://www.premiopymes.org.ar/
History of the company:
The president of the company, Ing. Milner Antonio Flecha, tells us: the idea of forming a RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT business unit that will function within FLECHA SISTEMAS MEDICOS S.A. It emerged four years ago, when we decided to develop projects in the area of high-tech medical devices. In 2006, we began research to develop an implantable cardiac pacemaker and, having concluded this, we are looking for investors & partners for the production stage. We are a MiniPyme dedicated to the sale of high-tech products and services in diagnostic imaging for the health system. We employ engineers and technicians in the research and development area, adding to date an investment of around two million pesos ($ 2,000,000) in the venture.